Friday, August 17, 2007

false first impressions, assured mutual destruction and dr. laughter

so i feel like it has been ages since i have chronicled my not so secret daydreams here. oh you guys won't guess what an enormous heap of shit i was buried under this week. work is challenging but every day seems like a new day for me - discoveries and revelations surprisingly abound, in a good way, thankfully. and so my travail of my favorite mistake has begun again. god knows what's going to happen but hopefully, everything will be settled down sooner than later. laughter is still the best medicine. add a sprinkle of uncomplicated, comical people and life gets better and better every damn day.

thank you, Lord :)
and family
cherished friends
new friends at work
and more loved ones
for keeping me grounded
and sane when
things get rough
and i get a tad
more irritating
than usual.
i embrace your
patience and
friendships with
a grateful heart.


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